Teacher Sex News

My First Sex Teacher

Friday, March 16, 2007

Former Teacher Sentenced For Having Sex With 15-Year-Old Student

A former teacher in Whitfield County, Ga., on Wednesday acknowledged in court having sex with a 15-year-old male student.

Frances Cook said the sex was in a parked car behind an elementary school.

She was sentenced to five years in prison and will be on probation for 15 years.

Under Georgia law, she will have to serve at least 65 percent of the term.

The defendant said she was sexually abused as a child.


A beautiful blonde teacher has been busted for sex with a student

A beautiful blond music teacher has been busted for allegedly having a torrid affair with an underage special-ed student.

Emily Streb, 23, was arraigned yesterday on third-degree rape and other charges at Bronx Criminal Court for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old, whose name is being withheld because of the nature of the charge.

"The complaining witness is a special-ed student who suffers from psychiatric problems," Assistant DA Heather Cook told Judge Ralph Fabrizio. "She was his music teacher."

The two had sex "multiple" times at the teacher's Bronx home from last October to November, and in the evening or early morning at the student's Bronx home in December, Cook said.

"At 5 o'clock in the morning? In the middle of the night?" Fabrizio asked incredulously.

Stressing that the boy is in special education, the jurist ordered prosecutors to call the city Administration for Children's Services to protect the boy from his inattentive mother, who apparently wasn't home at the time.

The prosecutor, who explained that the boy's mother suffers from depression and other problems, indicated child-welfare officials had already gotten involved.

School authorities learned late last year that there was something off key between teacher and student at PS 12, a special-ed school in The Bronx, and reported it to the schools special investigator, authorities said.

The boy repeatedly denied the claims to school probers in December, according to Streb's lawyer, Virginia LoPreto.

Still, the teacher was reassigned to the regional office until the lawyer negotiated her resignation independent of the probe. The resignation was effective Feb. 1, officials said.

Ultimately, school authorities contacted the student's mother, who asked her son about the allegations.

"He finally admitted it to her, and then it was reported to the police [on Monday]," the prosecutor said. That's when cops arrested Streb at home.

The defense lawyer suggested the boy changed his tune recently because he felt jilted by the teacher. He sent "threatening" text messages to the 5-foot-4, 125-pound instructor on Thursday, according to LoPreto.

And the messages were no serenade.

"I told you you better watch your back," LoPreto said the boy typed to the teacher.

"We were concerned for her safety," she said, adding, "He either was told something about her or heard something about her that upset him . . . One could say . . . he indicated that he had been dropped."

The judge released Streb without setting bail, but he issued a full order of protection, barring her from contacting the student.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Teacher’s Sex Trial Focuses on Etiquette Questions

Should teachers offer advice on what color underwear is the right color for their students? Should students give roses to their teachers on Valentine’s Day?

A criminal trial is not normally the place where you might expect to hear questions worthy of consideration by Miss Manners.

But a Manhattan jury was asked to ponder such etiquette questions on Thursday — to the evident amusement of some of them — in the statutory rape trial of Lina Sinha, the East Side private school principal and teacher accused of having sex with two of her junior high school students.

On the witness stand was Olivia Jones, a former assistant pre-kindergarten and French teacher for nine months in 2002 at the Montessori School of New York, where Ms. Sinha was the principal.

Ms. Jones, now 28, contacted the Manhattan district attorney’s office in October, 2005, after reading a newspaper account of Ms. Sinha’s arrest on statutory rape charges, to float the name of a second possible victim, according to earlier testimony from a detective.

The boy she named has indeed come to be identified by prosecutors as the second of two victims. Ms. Sinha, 40, denies the charges but admits to an adult romance gone bad with the first accuser, who is now 24 and a New York City police officer. The second boy, now 19, is a convicted drug dealer, who testified that he had sex with Ms. Sinha when he was 12 and enjoyed it.

Ms. Jones told the jury why she wondered about the relationship between the second boy and Ms. Sinha.

Generally speaking, she said, he was kind of a teacher’s pet, although she never learned his last name.

Once, she said, she saw Ms. Sinha and the boy step off the school elevator looking rumpled. “They both to me looked like they had just woken up,” she said, and the boy’s “shirt was untucked.”

Another time, she testified, she overheard Ms. Sinha chiding the boy for wearing black underwear with white slacks. The boy, she said, looked mortified by this intimate sartorial advice. “He blushed,” she said. “He looked down at the ground and seemed noticeably embarrassed.”

On Valentine’s Day, she testified, she found it “strange” to see the boy bring his principal a dozen red roses. “She seemed very pleased,” Ms. Jones said, adding that no other students gave the teachers flowers.

Toward the end of the school year she peered through the plate glass window of Ms. Sinha’s office and saw the boy crying, she testified.

“I never saw him again,” she concluded portentously, seeming to corroborate the district attorney’s account that Ms. Sinha and the boy had a painful romantic breakup at this time.

On cross examination, Ms. Sinha’s lawyer, Gerald L. Shargel, addressed her points one by one.

Did she have any idea why the boy had left the school? No, she said. This left the jury to recall the boy’s mother testifying that she pulled him out of Montessori and other schools because he was running with a bad crowd, doing graffiti and later selling drugs.

If other students did not give teachers flowers for Valentine’s Day, did they at least give them chocolates or other gifts? “Sure,” Ms. Jones replied.

When the boy stepped off the elevator with Ms. Sinha, was his shirt out of his pants? “That’s right,” Ms. Jones replied. Had she ever seen him look that way at other times, perhaps when they both testified before the grand jury?

Ms. Jones said she had not. That left the jury to think back to the way he looked after testifying during the current trial, a few days ago.

He left the witness box and stepped out outside the red velvet rope that separates the jury from the spectators.

Heaving a deep sigh — as if relieved to be out of a stressful situation — he yanked the shirttails of his blue Oxford shirt out of the waistband of his khaki pants and ambled away.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Teacher jailed for sex with teenage student

A Tacoma judge ignored a plea bargain and sentenced a former Buckley teacher to six months in jail for having sex with a 17-year-old student in April, 2006.

Rebekah M. Todd, 25, had expected a sentence of 30 days in home detention when she appeared Friday in Pierce County Superior Court. She had pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree assault.

Prosecutors said they had evidence she performed oral sex on the White River High School boy. The health and physical education teacher resigned after she was accused and forfeited her teaching certificate.

The deputy prosecutor, Hugh Birgenheier, says the judge, Bryan Chushcoff, decided not to follow the recommendation from the plea bargain.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Female teacher faces sex charges

A 35-year-old family studies teacher at Nelson A. Boylen Collegiate Institute has been charged with sexual exploitation after allegedly having a relationship with a student.

Crime Stoppers received a tip early this month, police said, about a woman who started an inappropriate relationship with a male student soon after she started teaching in 2005 at the Toronto school on Falstaff Ave. near Highway 401 and Jane St.

The ensuing investigation resulted in an arrest on Tuesday.

She has been on home assignment and has not been in contact with students, the school said in a letter to students today.

Paola Queen is scheduled to appear in court on April 17.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Teacher accused of having sex with student

A 30-year-old speech teacher was charged today with having sex with a 13-year-old boy, the second city teacher to be accused of having sex with a student. Marcia Amsterdam, a teacher at JHS 166 in Brooklyn, was taken into custody this morning.

She was charged with second-degree rape, second-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child.

Amsterdam, a speech teacher, is accused of having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old boy who attends the school. It was not immediately clear if he was her student.

Officials say she was reassigned to administrative duty pending her prosecution on the charges.

Amsterdam reportedly joined the city Education Department as a substitute teacher in 1999 and became a full teacher a year later.

The arrest was the result of an investigation conducted by the Special Commissioner's Office, which has been investigating the case.

Amsterdam is the second teacher busted for alleged sex with a student in as many days.

Twenty-three-year-old music teacher Emily Streb was arraigned yesterday on third-degree rape and other charges at Bronx Criminal Court for having allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old special education student who suffers from psychiatric problems.

Authorities say Streb had sex with the boy multiple times at her Bronx home from last October to November, and in the evening or early morning at the student's Bronx home in December.

She was released without bail, but the judge issued a full order of protection barring her from contacting the student.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Teacher's Aide Admits To Sex With Student

A former teacher's aide in Hull Iowa has admitted to having sexual contact with a student.

As part of a plea bargain, Kelli Cuperus pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation by a school employee. She had sexual contact with a 15-year-old boy she knew at Boyden-Hull school between the dates of May 2005 and March 2006. The boy told investigators Cuperus gave him rides home, and the two had sex either in her car or in her house between 15 and 20 times.

Cuperus was originally charged with sexual abuse and faced up to 25 years in prison. But with the plea bargain, prosecutors agreed to ask for a suspended sentence, which means she won't go to prison unless she commits another crime. She will be sentenced April 18th.


Colonia teacher arrested for texting sex messages

A history teacher at Colonia High School in Woodbridge was arrested today on charges she sent numerous sexually explicit text messages to a 17-year-old student at the high school and another 16-year-old student she previously taught at Iselin Middle School.

Karen Binder, 42, of Manalapan, faces two counts of second-degree official misconduct. If convicted, she could face up to 10 years in state prison on each count.

Colonia High School officials were notified Feb. 26 by the 17-year-old's parents about sexually explicit text messages their son received on his mobile phone, police said. Binder had asked for the student's phone number four days earlier during school hours because she needed to discuss something with him, according to the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office.

Binder, who does not teach the 17-year-old, told the student in the text messages that she wanted to perform a sex act on him, police said.

The investigation led to additional information that Binder had been sending sexually-explicit text messages to another 16-year-old boy she had previously taught at Iselin Middle School, police said. The messages became sexual during 2006 and continued until recently, police said. The boy is not a student at Colonia High School, police said.

Binder is being held on $150,000 bail at the Middlesex County jail in North Brunswick.

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A Houston area junior high school teacher has been accused of having sex with a student. 28-Year-old Emily Willis made her first court appearance Monday. She was charged with sexual assault of a child and released on a 10-thousand dollar bond. Harris County deputies found the eighth grade math teacher with a 14-year-old male student in the backseat of a car just before 2 a.m. Saturday morning. Officials said Willis` blouse and bra were off and the boy was wearing only boxer shorts. School officials have not disclosed whether the boy was one of Willis` students, but he was a student at McDonald Junior High where Willis worked. According to investigators, Willis confessed to having sex with the boy.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Hearing set for teacher accused of assault

GLENWOOD SPRINGS — Darcie Esson, an Elizabeth High School teacher accused of sleeping with a 17-year-old football player in Glenwood Springs during an away game, was recently accused of trying to contact the alleged victim by phone.

Esson, 33, appeared in court Friday. She faces a charges of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust.

Her attorney, Pamela Robillard Mackey, requested a preliminary hearing that is now set for May 17. Mackey was one of the attorneys who represented Kobe Bryant in 2003.

Mackey also had filed a motion for Esson's $25,000 bond to be reduced to $10,000 and requested permission to substitute a surety bond for cash.

District Attorney Martin Beeson appeared at the hearing with Deputy District Attorney Amy Fitch. Their office had filed a motion for fingerprinting and a mandatory protection order. Mackey didn't object to either.

Judge Denise Lynch said she would deny the motion to reduce bond based upon the serious nature of the offense and concern about the allegations that Esson had tried to call the alleged victim.

According to the prosecution's response to Mackey's motion for bond reduction, the alleged victim's mother reported that she discovered Esson's phone number on her son's cell phone.

The response also states that there is no real need for bond reduction because the large amount of cash was posted by Esson's father the next day after her Dec. 18, 2006 arrest. Her father "was able to obtain this large amount of cash in a very short time and get it posted with relative ease," the response states. "This, in turn, demonstrates that the amount of bail fixed by the court is not oppressive."

At least one man thinks Esson should not be put behind bars.

"I just hope you will be merciful to her," a Grand Junction man wrote in an unsolicited letter to the court. "I don't think she belongs in jail."

The man wrote that he had been following the case and that he was a former conductor for the Rio Grande for 29 years, east out of Grand Junction. In the letter, which is included in Esson's court file and addressed only to "Your Honor," he writes that he often hoped something like that would have happened to him when he was in high school.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Suburban Teacher Assistant Accused Of Sex With Boy

A suburban teacher's assistant has been arrested after being accused of having a sexual relationship with a student.

Francine Cordova is charged with the sexual assault of a 17-year-old boy who attends Round Lake High School.

Authorities said they discovered Cordova assumed the student's last name in a joint checking account. Inside Cordova's home, police said they found items including love notes and the student's identification card.

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Former teacher aid sentenced for having sex with student

A former teacher's aide charged with having sex with a 13-year-old student has been sentenced to one to 10 years in jail.

Melanie Hackett of Swanton has pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious conduct with a minor.

The plea deal was agreed to on Wednesday after a judge rejected an earlier agreement that included six months in jail.

Hackett admitted that she had sex two times with the male student of Missisquoi Valley Union High School, where she worked. She was originally charged with sexual assault.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

South Carolina Middle School Teacher Accused of Having Sex With at Least 5 Underage Boys

CLINTON, S.C. — A middle school teacher accused of having sex with at least five boys — some of them students at her school — was arrested, authorities said.

Police began investigating Allenna Williams Ward, 23, after school officials recovered a note containing inappropriate messages, said Clinton Public Safety Director John Thomas.

Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at various locations, including in the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant, from December to this month, according to arrest warrants.

Some of the victims were students at Ward's school, Thomas said.

Ward was placed on administrative leave with pay last Thursday, acting district Superintendent Laura Koskela said. A message left for the school's principal was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Ward was charged with criminal sexual conduct with a minor and six counts of lewd acts on a minor, according to arrest warrants. She is being held in jail awaiting a bail hearing, police said.